This post contains statements about possible future functionality. These are not official statements. They are speculative, subject to change, and should not be relied upon.
Reading svenweller’s recent article Integrate Oracle JET into Apex 5.0 got me thinking about this topic. I’m very busy working on Interactive Grid in APEX 5.1 right now but this is an important topic and there is a need to get some information out sooner rather than later. I’m not going to go into how JET and APEX are great, why it makes sense to use them together or provide step-by-step instructions for doing so. See svenweller’s blog for that.
By now most APEX developers have heard that we plan to include Oracle JET based charts in APEX 5.1. It is generally easy to use 3rd party JavaScript libraries with APEX. Here I want to talk about why Oracle JET is a special case and give some tips for making them work together. I want to share what we have learned so far in integrating JET charts with APEX. I should mention that I am not the main person working on the chart feature.
What makes using Oracle JET with APEX tricky is that JET requires you to use RequireJS. So the same issues apply if you were to integrate any code that uses RequireJS with APEX. It is not specific to Oracle JET. Furthermore, you would have similar issues trying to use JET with any traditional web app that isn’t already using RequireJS.
Is RequireJS bad? No. Is APEX somehow at fault? No. What’s going on here? Its complicated…
The traditional way of using JavaScript on a web page is to put it in script tags and call it. Lots of libraries? No problem. Just figure out what order to put all the script tags in. Each script file adds some global symbols for the others to use. Namespace objects are used to reduce the number of globals — its a kind of modularity. This is what APEX does. It is conceptually simple.
Then modules were invented as a way to keep code, well, modular and explicitly define what your module exports and what dependencies you have on other modules. Just one script tag and the module system (in this case RequireJS) does all the loading. The only globals are from the module system (define, require, requirejs). This is also conceptually simple but different concepts.
There is nothing wrong with either of these ways of building web apps. I have nothing against modules. I like using the Node.js module system. But APEX has a long history and simply cannot switch over to using RequireJS modules without breaking existing applications.
These are two very different worlds that don’t mix well. Its hard to ease into using modules because of what happens when the existing non-module code and the new module code wants to share a library.
If you are the creator of a handy library you want to increase your user base by being usable in both worlds. (I’ll use Hammer.js as the example simply because it is a library that both JET and APEX Universal Theme use.) Its easy to do, just add at the bottom of your code something like the following:
// this is just slightly simplified from the actual hammer.js code
if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) {
define(function() {
return Hammer;
} else {
window.Hammer = Hammer;
Now the library can be used in a module system if the page is using one or just define a global for the traditional way.
But if a single page has some code that uses RequireJS and some code that uses the traditional way and both want to use the same library (Hammer.js in our case) there is a problem.
A) If the hammer.js script tag is loaded after require.js it defines an anonymous module as shown above and then as soon as you do anything else with RequireJS you get the error: Mismatched anonymous define() module. The reason is that RequireJS insists that all anonymous modules are loaded from a define
or require
call. The assumption is that as soon as RequireJS is on the page you are using the new modular way.
B) If the hammer.js script tag is loaded before require.js it defines its global Hammer object so that traditional code can use it. Then when module code uses require(['hammer'...]...)
or something equivalent it will get a new copy of the Hammer object. You can prove this with the following code:
require(["hammerjs"], function( h ) { console.log( h === window.Hammer );});
If the the new module code and the global Hammer object were the same it would print true but it prints false. At least there is no error and it seems to work but… Ideally we would like to avoid this. Depending on what the library does it could result in more than just wasted memory.
We had a similar problem with jQuery where after RequireJS was used by JET Charts all our APEX jQuery UI widgets were essentially “gone” because there were two different jQuery objects ( $ !== apex.jQuery
). Note jQuery is a special case in that it defines a named, not anonymous, module so it doesn’t suffer from the error in case (A). You may also say that it is best to always use apex.jQuery
rather than $
and you are correct but not everyone follows this rule all the time. And we still don’t want to waste memory on duplicate copies of libraries.
With this background out of the way here are my recommendations.
- Load require.js as late as possible because problem B is much easier to deal with than problem A. (How to deal with problem B is coming up.)
RequireJS would like to be the first (and only) script tag on the page but it doesn’t have to be. In order to keep any RequireJS aware libraries such as hammer.js or jQuery from calling define, require.js should be included after them. The best way to do this is to add require.js to a page in page attribute JavaScript: File URLs.
With this approach you don’t need to throw out hammer.js just to use Oracle JET. Hammer.js is useful when running your app on touch devices.
- You don’t need to use data-main on the require.js script tag. It is not required, just a convenience. Your code that includes the call to
can be handled like any other JavaScript code. If you put it in a file, reference that file in JavaScript: File URLs (after require.js). It can even go inline by putting it in JavaScript: Execute when Page Loads. - To get around the problem of loading multiple copies of a library add the following code after the call to
and before any calls torequire
define( 'hammerjs', [], function() { return Hammer; }); define( 'jquery', [], function() { return apex.jQuery; });
What this does is define the library module with a name in the RequireJS module system so that it will not be loaded again. It is important to use the same name that the library uses in the config paths object passed to
. This can be extended to other libraries if needed.Note: If different versions of a library are needed then you may just have to let two copies be loaded. In this case remove the corresponding call to
. - You probably don’t need to use knockout. I don’t know for sure if this is true for all JET components but it is true for JET Charts. APEX 5.1 is not using knockout at all. I have nothing against knockout. However, it is of most benefit if it is used pervasively through out an app. Otherwise it is just another another library to load for which there are other ways to do what it does. That said, if you want to use it go ahead.
At this point I don’t know what if anything APEX 5.1 will do to make integrating Oracle JET (or RequireJS in general) easier. For now I hope this helps anyone trying to use JET with APEX 5.0.