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Month: January 2017

How to hack APEX Interactive Grid Part 2

Part one of this series covered Interactive Grid advanced configuration. This part is about a specific area of configuration, which is toolbar and menu customization. This blog series assumes at least intermediate level experience with APEX and JavaScript.

[Update 5.1.1 29-Mar-2017] This article has been updated to reflect patch release 5.1.1


How to hack APEX Interactive Grid Part 1

It is nice to see from the questions rolling in on the APEX forums that people are trying to do interesting and advanced things with Interactive Grid (IG). I’m happy to answer questions about how to do things programmatically with IG but in this 3 4 part series I hope to give you some tools, tips and examples to figure things out on your own. This blog series assumes at least intermediate level experience with APEX and JavaScript.

[Update 5.1.1 30-Mar-2017] This article has been updated to reflect patch release 5.1.1

Comments closed

Interactive Grid column widths

Since the first Early Adopter release of APEX 5.1 I have seen a number of questions or complaints about how column widths are handled in Interactive Grid. I think the complaints may be based on misunderstandings of how things work. I hope to explain here everything you need to know about column widths in Interactive Grids. Still, I’m not 100% sure that in implementing Interactive Grid we got it all exactly right. You can let me know in the comments after reading this.

[Update 5.1.1 30-Mar-2017] This article has been updated to reflect patch release 5.1.1


Passing Data in and out of APEX Dialogs

How to pass data into and return data from an APEX dialog is something that comes up from time to time on the APEX forum. I have not seen a comprehensive treatment of this topic so decided to work up an example of the various possibilities.

[Updated 23-May-2017 to reflect 5.1.1 and add detail for when dialogs are opened from navigation menu list]
[Updated 9-Jul-2019 with information about security settings to be aware of]