Last updated on Monday, July 24, 2017
[This app has been updated]
At Kscope17 I gave a presentation called “APEX 5.1 Advanced Interactive Grid” that showcased many examples of whats possible with APEX Interactive Grids once you get into advanced customization. I didn’t show how the examples were implemented. I could go deep on one or two examples or show many and I choose to show as many as I could (and still have time to talk about future IG stuff). But I promised to make the IG Cookbook app available so here it is ready to download. I may add to it over time and announce updates on twitter and/or this blog.
There isn’t much to explain about this here because extensive notes are provided on each example page and there are some comments in the code as well. Some of the examples were inspired by questions from the APEX forum.
Feel free to discus the techniques shown in this app or issue with this app on the APEX Discussion Forum. This is not an officially supported sample but I’ll reply if possible and you can all help each other as well.
Again: The tables come from the Sample Interactive Grids app. You need to install that first. The first page of IG Cookbook explains that.
table or view does not exist .. ? Where to get database tables
When I install this I get
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (APEX_050100.WWV_FLOWS_FK) violated – parent
key not found
ORA-06512: at “APEX_050100.WWV_FLOW_API”, line 3047
ORA-06512: at line 2
@David, You can see the initial splitter position hard coded to 300 in the Splitter region template. You can change that. I Theory ti could be made a template option with values small/medium/large. It should remember the splitter position like the ones in page designer but that is more work. It already resizes dynamically so not sure what you are looking for. You can set the position option with JavaScript at runtime just like you would any jQuery UI widget option.
Amazing work, thank you!
Many thanks John, the use of the splitter on Page 17 is exactly what I was looking for. However, I can’t work out how to control the X position of the right hand splitter using Javascript (I am trying to get it to resize dynamically) and how to define its original X position – any thoughts ?
The tables come from the Sample Interactive Grids app. You need to install that first. The first page of IG Cookbook explains that.
Same issue for me, table or view does not exist,
Thank you for this.
table or view does not exist .. SO FROM WHERE I GET THE TABLES?
Danke John!
Best timing ever John, just at the start of my holiday! Lot’s of time to study.
Thank you
Thanks John. Very helpful.