The redesign is complete. Let me know if you find anything broken. Constructive comments welcome. Thanks. So the background picture is now gone. Someday I…
1 CommentAuthor: John Snyders
I’m planning a redesign of this blog soon. I got some feedback on the overall layout and style. A few people commented that the picture…
Comments closedDevelopers accustomed to internationalizing Java [web] applications are very familiar with ResourceBundle, MessageFormat and property files. The articles Localization and Internationalization with StringTemplate and Web Application Internationalization and Localization in Action give a good introduction to how StringTemplate can be used to do i18n but they don’t explain how to get the full set of benefits we derive from ResourceBundle, and MessageFormat. In this article I describe how StringTemplate can leverage ResourceBundle and remove the need for MessageFormat in the presentation layer.
1 CommentEver since I read the NY times article “The Lean and the Restless” (about a year and a half ago now) the idea to replace my desk and chair with a treadmill workstation has been in the back of my mind. The idea seems to be catching on although not main stream yet. There were a number of reports about making a commercially available treadmill workstation. I haven’t seen them in stores yet and I’m not sure we will anytime soon. Some people are calling these things treadputers – I hope this name doesn’t catch on!
I wanted to pass on my experience with creating a treadmill workstation.
19 CommentsI looked at a few of the Java libraries for JSON and finally choose org.json. It’s small and does just what I need it to,…
6 CommentsIn a recent post I talked about implementing a very simple web app with different frameworks and why JSF isn’t for me. This post will describe my experience with StringTemplate. I also give some informal performance numbers.
3 CommentsFor many years I enjoyed working on the Windows platform writing applications in C++, Win32, MFC and ATL/WTL. I was not an early Java adopter.…
4 CommentsI sometimes find myself defending Wikipedia to people. Usually their concern is about random people being able to add incorrect information. Although this is possible…
Comments closedOne of my main interests right now is web application development. About 8 or 9 years ago I created my first simple web application (just a few pages) as an ISAPI DLL. I was not paying any attention to HTML standards at this time. It didn’t seem like many people were. I don’t think I even knew what CSS was back then.
5 CommentsHere starts my blog. For years I’ve been writing professionally. At each place I worked I wrote many technical specifications, high-level architecture documents, detailed emails…
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