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Category: APEX

APEX 5.0 Converting to the new APEX Tree

Today I’ll show step by step how to convert from the old APEX tree region, which used the third party jsTree library, to the new APEX 5.0 tree implementation. As I previously mentioned the tree region now uses the same JavaScript tree view widget that is used in Page Designer by default. But if you have an old application that is using the tree region it will continue to use the old jsTree region after upgrading to 5.0.

The reason that the tree region couldn’t be automatically switched to the new tree during upgrade is because of differences in how the implementations use icons/images and complex ways in which customers have customized it with JavaScript by calling jsTree APIs.


APEX 5.0 Page Designer: Meet the Widgets

One of the primary things I worked on for APEX 5.0 is Page Designer. There have been a number of presentations and blog posts about what it is, how to use it, and how it increases productivity. What I want to talk about here is what Page Designer is made of. Page Designer was a huge undertaking and a number of people had their hands in it. I’ll focus on the parts I know best; the widgets.

If you are asking yourself, “Could my APEX application have pages as complex as Page Designer?”, the answer is Yes. The level of effort and skill needed is going to depend on what you are trying to achieve. The point is that Page Designer is not taking advantage of hidden or private APEX engine features. This doesn’t mean that all the building blocks of Page Designer are available for use in your applications but that the facilities are there for you to create and integrate your own building blocks. Knowing a little about the architecture of Page Designer may inspire you to create complex, highly dynamic and interactive pages in your applications.


APEX and Asynchronous Ajax

I rarely read the release notes because I’m in a hurry to get to the good stuff. APEX 5.0 has plenty of good stuff to get to but I want to call your attention to one release note in particular: “Deprecated Synchronous Ajax in Dynamic Actions”

Earlier this year there was an interesting thread on the APEX forums titled Synchronous requests deprecated. It points out that some browsers are now giving warnings (if you have the console open) when synchronous ajax requests are made and, more importantly, that APEX apps that use dynamic actions with Wait For Result set to Yes will make a synchronous request.

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APEX 5.0 Icon List widget

[As of this writing, APEX 5.0 is only available as a pre-production version installed on and might change until it gets released.]

There are so many new things in APEX 5.0 that it is difficult to decide where to start. So, for no particular reason, I’ll start with the icon list widget, which is something that I worked on. The first place you will most likely run into the icon list widget is in Page Designer. Edit any page and at the bottom of the Grid Layout tab you will see a gallery of Regions, Items, and Buttons. At first glance it looks like an ordinary list of images somewhat like the Badge or Cards list templates in Universal Theme. But there are important behavioral differences mainly around accessibility.

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Survey Builder Design

One of my first projects after joining the APEX team was creating the Survey Builder packaged application (available in Oracle Application Express 4.2.2). This was my first experience creating an APEX app. A number of people helped out on the implementation (especially on reports) and also helped me learn APEX. I worked on the overall design and functionality and focused on implementing the questionnaire page and questionnaire editing page, both of which required lots of JavaScript. The paper Designing an Effective Survey by Mark Kasunic provided invaluable background information on the survey process and I recommend it to anyone new to conducting survey research.

Survey Builder is a little different from typical APEX apps (if there even is such a thing as a typical APEX app). Here I want to describe a couple of requirements that shaped its design and the resulting APEX implementation. A great thing about APEX is that it comes with a number of fully functional packaged applications such as Survey Builder that you can use as-is, tweak to do what you want or just open up to see how it works. So feel free to install Survey Builder, unlock it, and follow along.

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