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Tag: dialog

All the Things That Pop Up

At UKOUG Techfest19 I gave a presentation with the same title as this article. The topic is about menus, dialogs, and popups. I created a sample app for the presentation that I promised to make available. You can download the app here[*]. The app uses the EMP and DEPT tables so make sure they are installed. You can install them from SQL Workshop > Utilities > Sample Datasets. The app is also using the Application Access Control feature so you will have to go to Shared Components > Application Access Control and assign roles to users before they can use the app. I only did this to demonstrate using authorization schemes in menus.

Menus, Dialogs, Popups Slide

Even if you already know everything about menus, dialogs, and popups you may still want to check out the sample app because it contains DA action plug-ins Message Confirm and Message Alert that, as the names imply, use the apex.message confirm and alert APIs rather than the native browser APIs, which the corresponding built-in actions still use. Another bonus is an updated version of the showMe widget that I first introduced in my article Interactive Grid Tour App. There are list and region templates included that can be used to create a showMe tour.

[* Update. I noticed that on import the source setting on the page 12 chart region is lost. If this happens fix it by setting the source to local database table EMP.]

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APEX Inline Popup Region

Note this is about a future release of APEX and the final release may differ from what I describe.

[Update: This post has been updated with information for 18.2]

This article will show how to add an Inline Popup region in APEX 18.1 [Update: and 18.2]. It is similar to the existing Inline Dialog region. If you have not used an inline dialog before you can learn how from the Universal Theme sample app.

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Passing Data in and out of APEX Dialogs

How to pass data into and return data from an APEX dialog is something that comes up from time to time on the APEX forum. I have not seen a comprehensive treatment of this topic so decided to work up an example of the various possibilities.

[Updated 23-May-2017 to reflect 5.1.1 and add detail for when dialogs are opened from navigation menu list]
[Updated 9-Jul-2019 with information about security settings to be aware of]


APEX 5.0 Custom Menus

This topic has been motivated by a few different APEX forum threads as well as direct questions from teammates. Here I will show how to add a menu button to each row of an interactive report that will open a menu and the menu item actions will be specific to the row.

Custom Menu Demo

The above pictured Custom Menu Demo is available to try out and to download. This article assumes some familiarity with APEX and JavaScript.

Simple Popup Menu

Before going into how to create a custom menu let me make sure that we all know how to create a simple list based popup menu.

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APEX 5.0 Dialogs

My guess is that if asked what APEX 5 UI feature is the most complex, most people would say Page Designer. It is true that Page Designer is big, as in a lot of code, but it is also very modular and you can understand each part and then how they work together. Another good guess would be Universal Theme because it is very broad in scope, has fancy CSS that must work cross browser and some nifty behaviors such as collapsible side bars and sticky headers. However, given the title of this article, it should be no surprise that in my opinion the most complex UI feature of APEX 5 is the modal dialog page. Here is why.