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38 search results for "interactive grid"

APEX Interactive Report Checkbox Row Selection

The question of how to add checkboxes to interactive reports comes up often. Usually the problem is not getting the checkbox to display in a row but in how to do something useful with the checked state. There are many forum or blog posts on this topic but they all seem to be rather dated. Even when the general idea is still applicable they use outdated practices including:

  • Inline event handlers using onchange or onclick attributes. These should be dynamic actions.
  • HTML regions with script tags in them or script tags in the HTML Header page attribute. There are much better ways to get JavaScript on a page now. Consider JavaScript File URLs, Function and Global Variable Declaration, and Execute when Page Loads attributes as well as dynamic actions.
  • Making ajax requests using the htmldb_Get API. This should be replaced with dynamic actions or apex.server.process API calls.

So I thought I would take a stab at solving this problem.


Exploring new APIs in APEX 22.1

Yay APEX 22.1 is released! There are plenty of great new features. One of my favorites is the Region Sort Page Item. Something that doesn’t get a lot of attention is new functionality in the APIs. So I have created a demo app that shows what can be done with some of these new JavaScript APIs.

Screen shot of sample app.

If you emphasize the “low” in low-code then this article may not be for you. On the other hand if you like to know how a little code can enable exceptional use cases read on. The raw info on what is new for APIs can be found in the release notes and the details can be found in the JavaScript API Reference but examples can give a better idea how these things can be put to use.

This is not a tutorial or deep explanation of every new API. It is a sample APP. To get anything out of it you will need to download the New API Features 22.1 app and read through the notes (click Notes link in top banner) on each page and also the code comments. If you haven’t installed APEX 22.1 yet you can use First install the tables needed by this APP. Install Sample Interactive Grids app to get the EBA_DEMO_IG_PEOPLE and EBA_DEMO_IG_EMP tables. This will be fun because you get to use the new App Gallery. From SQL Workshop Utilities/Sample Datasets install Tasks Spreadsheet to get the EBA_TASKS_SS table.

Reminder: Any forward looking statements I make in this blog or the sample app is just my opinion not an official statement of product direction.

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APEX 21.2 New JavaScript APIs #JoelKallmanDay

It shouldn’t be long now before the next release of Oracle APEX, 21.2, is available on There will be plenty of buzz around the big new features in 21.2 but here I’ll introduce some new client side APIs and along the way I’ll mention some of the new or recent features the APIs apply to.

This release has the biggest set of additions to the JavaScript APIs since 19.1 when the new JSDoc based API documentation became official. There is enough cool new stuff that it won’t all fit in one blog so Stefan Dobre is going to tell you about some of it.


APEX Fancy Facets

At a recent Oracle APEX Offices Hours I presented (@18:38) the new 20.2 features of Faceted Search. I showed the new facet value charts and the new facet control types, input field and groups of single checkboxes. I also showed how the faceted search region works with the new Charts region. The next day I got a question from an internal customer about how to put the facet charts dashboard in a collapsible region. This use case makes a lot of sense but simply using the collapsible region template isn’t enough to make it work. This plus a few other internal questions got me thinking that it was finally time to put together a sample app showing advanced use cases of faceted search.

Responsive Facets Screen Shot

This screen shot shows a responsive facets region that opens in a popup on small screens.


All the Things That Pop Up

At UKOUG Techfest19 I gave a presentation with the same title as this article. The topic is about menus, dialogs, and popups. I created a sample app for the presentation that I promised to make available. You can download the app here[*]. The app uses the EMP and DEPT tables so make sure they are installed. You can install them from SQL Workshop > Utilities > Sample Datasets. The app is also using the Application Access Control feature so you will have to go to Shared Components > Application Access Control and assign roles to users before they can use the app. I only did this to demonstrate using authorization schemes in menus.

Menus, Dialogs, Popups Slide

Even if you already know everything about menus, dialogs, and popups you may still want to check out the sample app because it contains DA action plug-ins Message Confirm and Message Alert that, as the names imply, use the apex.message confirm and alert APIs rather than the native browser APIs, which the corresponding built-in actions still use. Another bonus is an updated version of the showMe widget that I first introduced in my article Interactive Grid Tour App. There are list and region templates included that can be used to create a showMe tour.

[* Update. I noticed that on import the source setting on the page 12 chart region is lost. If this happens fix it by setting the source to local database table EMP.]

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APEX IG Cookbook Update for 19.2

It’s that time again. A new release of APEX brings an updated IG Cookbook. Try out APEX 19.2 at and then download release 6 of the IG Cookbook for 19.2. If you are still using an older version of APEX you can try a previous IG Cookbook release. As always make sure you install the Sample Interactive Grids app first because it creates some needed tables.

Use JET Avatar in Interactive Grid

APEX IG Cookbook Update for 19.1

[Update 4-Nov-2019 there is a new version of IG Cookbook here]
Application Express 19.1 is now available and I have updated the IG Cookbook to reflect fixes and improvements to Interactive Grid in this release as well as adding 6 new example pages. Download IG Cookbook (release 5.0) and give it a try. If you are still using an older version of APEX you can try the latest out at or try a previous IG Cookbook release. As always make sure you install the Sample Interactive Grids app first because it creates some needed tables.

Simple Grid Table Browser


More APEX Menu Fun

During a recent APEX office hours Sven Weller asked a very interesting question about styling top navigation menus. The question was elaborated on in this forum post. There are a lot of details in that thread but the short answer is the out-of-the box top navigation menu doesn’t allow arbitrary markup or individually colored menu items. However the menu widget has many features and here I will show how to create rich custom content menus like the following.

Custom Menu

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APEX Inline Popups and Dialogs

Note this contains information about a future release of APEX and the final release may differ from what I describe.

I previously described how to create inline popup regions but with the upcoming APEX 19.1 release that should no longer be necessary because the Universal Theme should have a built-in Inline Popup Region. You can try it out already on the APEX Early Adopter site. Here I will provide up to date information on inline popups and dialogs.

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Thoughts on APEX Progressive Web Apps

There has been a good deal of buzz around using APEX for Progressive Web Apps (PWA) lately thanks to the excellent work and presentations by Vincent Morneau. You can and should read his Turning APEX into a PWA document. Here I want to share my thoughts on building PWAs with APEX; the possibilities, limits and challenges. This post is less researched and more quickly written than most of mine but not really shorter. It is not based on any actual implementation or hands on investigation. As a member of the APEX development team I must emphasize that this contains my own opinions. Any forward looking statements about APEX are purely speculative and not part of any official statement of direction.

A place I was recently with no cell service.
A place I was recently with no cell service.
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APEX IG Cookbook Update for 18.2

[Update 30-Mar-2019 there is a new version of IG Cookbook here]
Last week I presented Interactive a Grid Deep Dive for APEX Office Hours where I demonstrated a new version of the IG Cookbook.
The video and slides are now available. The presentation covered important aspects of the Interactive Grid architecture. As promised I’m making the latest IG Cookbook (release 4.0) for APEX 18.2 available for download. As always make sure you install the Sample Interactive Grids app first because it creates some needed tables.

IG Cookbook v4 tasks page

There are many exciting additions and improvements.


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